American White Oak Prime Flooring

Origin Medium sized hardwood of central North America.
Appearance Heartwood pale yellow-brown to mid-brown, also sometimes with a pink tinge to it. The heavy backsawn grain makes this a highly figured and attractive timber. Clear coatings and tinted or stained finishes are common on this timber.
Common Uses Solid timber flooring, Engineered timber floor coverings & some fine furniture.
Durability 3 (Above Ground)
Grades Prime
Hardness 6.0
Dimensions 63×14, 85×14, 110×14, 130×14, 155×14, 180×14, 205×14, 230×14, 63×19, 85×19, 110×19, 130×19, 155×19, 180×19, 205×19, 230×19, 255×19, 280x19mm
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